My brother Jordie had the pleasure of meeting one such lady addict that was fed up with her good friend Mary Jane. While she may not have deterred any young potheads from smoking more cheeba, to her credit, she did give it a go, and offered words of great wisdom. "The Problem with weed kids, and the reason it should not be used, is because it gives you the Fuck-Its, you stop doing anything, you just say Fuck-It." Leave it to a drug addict to aptly describe the real problem with marijuana, not the politicians, teachers, and shrinks. I’ve never heard any adult or child make a remotely sensible and accurate description of the harmful effects of smoking a bowl, but this woman was right on the money.
Now that my days of getting stoned are extremely few and far between (I do still have my fun with pharmaceuticals) I kind of missed that free feeling she so appositely described. After being in the overwhelming ridiculous mayhem of Bangkok many days in excess I found it only natural then that my girlfriend Shula and I should go to the island of Phuket, pronounced Poo-ket, but not by me. So I booked us a place at the fuck-it backpackers hostel, just off of fuck-it rd., rented a moped from the fuck-it bike shop in the heart of fuck-it town, rode on the left side of the fuck-it streets along the wide white sandy beaches of Patong, Kata, and Koron which are lined with fuck-it resorts. We als
o sought out some rural fuck-it territory away from the fuck-it tourists witnessing traditional fuck-it markets, fuck-it villiages, and fuck-it peoples, and took the fuck-it ferry to the astoundingly gorgeous paradise island of Go Pee Pee. Fuck-it really has it all.
“Forget it,” I shouted with tears streaming down my face as I thought of the anguish I felt when the hairs began to thin from my head shortly before my twenty-second birthday. The truth is thatI was scared, petrified, I couldn't imagine my life without him. I had been dependent on the protection he provided for as long as I could remember. Without him surely some infectious disease in some form or another would come creeping around and penetrate this hole, this gaping wound that was imminently approaching. However, after wandering the big cities and smaller towns of Japan, strolling through remote villages in Northern Thailand, being pushed around and ripped off in Bangkok, and finally arriving at a gorgeous private beach of the mountainous rugged island of Koh Tao, a strange calm befell me, and I found myself ready and willing to say goodbye to this companion whose short life I have, and will, always cherish. And no sooner had this profound self-evolution and growth taken route deep within the confines of my soul, did I agree to assist my beloved companion in his expiration. In one motion I twisted and removed the disgusting, yellow, and hideously decaying toe nail from my right big toe, and buried it in the sand. From now until eternity he will be with us always, in the shores of Koh Tao.