Friday, February 20, 2009

NYC Department of Finance Responds

Dear Sir / Madam:

We have received your web request for a hearing on your parking summons. A hold will be placed on this violation, so no penalty will accrue pending this action.

Based on the violation, we are offering you the opportunity to pay a reduced fine in the amount of $32.00. You have 5 days to accept this offer. Once you accept this offer you must pay within 30 days to the address listed below.

If you do not wish to accept this reduced offer and you would like an Administrative Law Judge to review your case, simply do nothing. Your case will be reviewed in the next 30 days. If you are found guilty, you will no longer be eligible for the reduced amount and must pay the full fine as well as any penalties.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Parking Desperation: Adventures in NYC Automobile Ownership

Name: Nathan H Ehrlich
Address: 177 Degraw St Apt #2
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Your hearing request was for the following item(s):

Agency Item
------------------------------ -----------------------------------
PVO 1259937290

Your statement why the ticket should be dismissed:
The Hydrant was covered in sidewalk trash bags and furniture and was not visible to me. Therefore every ticket I received at this spot I feel should be voided. Also note that my car was towed after several tickets were accrued.

Name: Nathan H Ehrlich
Address: 177 Degraw St Apt. #2
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Your hearing request was for the following item(s):

Agency Item
------------------------------ -----------------------------------
PVO 1269398088

Your statement why the ticket should be dismissed:
I was parked legally. The officer was not justified in giving me a ticket. It was Sunday and I was parked next to a meter. I do not have proof because I did not see the ticket on my windshield until I had left the area. Even if I had I do not own a digital camera. But I was not parked illegally. The legal system is innocent until proven guilty. If you have proof that I was in this spot illegally than I would be more than glad to take a look at it. But until then I maintain that I was parked in a legal spot.
Name: Nathan H Ehrlich
Address: 177 Degraw St Apt. #2
Brooklyn, NY 11231

Your hearing request was for the following item(s):

Agency Item
------------------------------ -----------------------------------
PVO 7620016030

Your statement why the ticket should be dismissed:
The law as I understand it is that one's vehicle must be six feet from a fire hydrant. Well I as in total abidance of this law and yet I still not only received a ticket but also a towing. The city got plenty of money from me off my towing as it took me a few days to realize that I had been towed. You can look this up in the records at the Brooklyn Navy Yard - my bill was over 220 bucks. I ask and beg of you not to take more money from me in this trying economic time. I was within my rights to park where I had parked. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Name: Nathan H Ehrlich
Address: 177 Degraw St Apt. #2
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Your hearing request was for the following item(s):

Agency Item
------------------------------ -----------------------------------
PVO 1264141063

Your statement why the ticket should be dismissed:
I realize I have a couple of ticket defenses in already. Generally speaking I think 99.9% of the tickets handed out in NYC are done so correctly according to the laws and regulations. However, I believe it's just been one of those unlucky years for me when parking officers have made an incorrect call on the legality of my parked vehicle. In regard to this ticket in particular I do not recall the incident nor the ticket itself and believe that inclement weather may have stripped the ticket from my car. In addition I received no notice in the mail. I am happy to pay the fee but I ask that you remove the amount of 75$ which clearly has gone up due to some late fee and reduce the sum to the normal 45$ as I was unaware that I had obtained such a ticket.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Apologies to Fabio

There was this
Girl who was a friend of my older brother's
And she stopped eating
So they put her in the hospital
my parents said she was very sick
"anecksia," I thought they said

she came over once
and despite the sign on my door that read
"keep out"
I found her in my room
Playing with my friend that I named sticky
Because his feet had a wet glue
that stuck to my hands
And now
he wouldn't eat a single worm
or a cricket
and those were his favorite foods
clearly that bitch was contagious.

And then
it happened
I awoke one morning
to find him
Shriveled up in the corner of his glass cage
Amongst an intricate landscape design
Of little rocks, pine cones, chestnuts, and ripped grass.

He was
Lying on his back
With his four little feet
Now dried and shriveled up
Stretched out into the air
As if he was waiting for God to pick him up

He was
The cutest green lizard
He was dead
Another casualty of this harsh world

I cried for days on end
That was it,
He was gone,

but then
my parents told me all about reincarnation
And as it turned out
they were right

He came back to life in two and a half days as my turtle
who I named Fabio after the Italian Model
because I was allergic to milk
and was deeply inspired by margarine that tasted like butter
that even came as a spray

I fell in love with him real quick
Because he was fun to play with
I'd take him out of his tank and
He would sprint frantically all over the house
Driving my dog Nikki crazy

He was the fastest turtle I'd ever saw
he knew there were worlds out there
Beyond his cage that needed to be explored
His speed, agility, and curiosity were tough to temper
And so my family made a rule
That he never be allowed to leave the tank

In celebration of Fabio's one month birthday
My parents took us on a family trip
To some place with games, clowns and Ferris wheels
Leaving our housecleaner Gloria to care for our home

She was stupid though and broke the rules
While washing the previous day's salad bowls and meat platters
Gloria took it upon herself to add the dirty tank to her pile of dishes
and put the little guy in a Tupper ware next to the sink
without a top

Unlike Sticky, Fabio had an unquenchable hunger
He could not just sit and watch his favorite green vegetables
Disappear into a black whole
And so unbeknownst to Gloria
he heroically followed the delicious delicacies
jumping into the sink
and down the drain
to rescue them
And in that instant
Gloria flicked the switch and he was disposed

It was a shameful death
His last breath was taken
In a confined space with rotten milk,
discarded tuna fish, and
chicken fat
Even executed prisoners are treated to a better last meal
And a more pleasant conclusion

Recently I began reading Carl Jung
Who said that we are all part of an eternal collective unconscious
And I became excited because now I can finally apologize

First to you, Sticky
Can you hear me?
I'm sorry
For letting that stupid girl
That couldn't read
give you anorexia
And to you
If you're listening
I want to apologize
for naming you after that talentedless
asshole Italian Model

And for putting you in the care of a person who couldn't even
Keep my matching socks straight,
stole from my piggy bank and
always managed to lose my favorite t-shirts.

Stimulus Bickering

We are in the unfortunate position of having to blindly trust what our new leader is telling us - that we need to allow the government to spend our money. ~800 billion dollars of our money that is, and that's before interest. In order to save the economy Obama & company are asking that the stimulus be spent on various non-profit projects such as updating schools, implementing green energy buildings, and constructing and improving roads and bridges. This will create jobs and get the wheels of the economy spinning—sounds reasonable enough. But the argument against the stimulus is viable as well; it's unproven, untested, and uncertain. On the other hand it is to be expected because this is the first time this nation has ever faced circumstances such as these. So let's see what the opponents of this option have come up with. After all they've had a few months to at least make their theories known to the public.

The first option is to use the money to cut taxes. This was one the Bush administration implemented when the situation wasn't as perilous in January of 2008 costing us roughly $146 billion. The stimulus in the form of a tax cut came about when the economy was slipping and I, as well as many Americans were broke. Shockingly enough the six hundred dollars did not exactly prompt me, and my compatriots to hop off our couches and head for the mall. If we spend the stimulus on tax breaks alone, a large portion of that money will vanish into diminished accounts for safekeeping and will do little to bolster any growth. Due to the seriousness of the situation, which is evidenced by the fact that we lost over half a million jobs last month and companies are going bankrupt at an accelerated rate, we cannot afford to let money go stale.

The second alternative option being suggested is doing nothing. Literally, that is one of the options that has been put forward by those opposed to the stimulus. I'm actually an avid user of this method so I'll use myself as the case study. I've tried it for getting in shape, I've tried it for getting a job, I've tried it for getting rich, I've tried it for cleaning up my apartment, and I've tried it for reading War and Peace. Now let's look at the results: I'm still broke, my apartment is a dump, I can't run a mile without coughing up a lung, I'm unemployed, and have never read a page of Tolstoy.

So to recap: Our options are three fold:

#1 An intelligent but questionable something
#2 Nothing
#3 And something that clearly won't work but has to be said because there can be no party where a certain party doesn't use the words ' tax breaks'

In conclusion:
for you #3 supporters - broken records don't spin
for you #2 supporters - I find your laziness becoming, but come take a nap with me and let the rich men work
for you #1 supporters - you've accepted it sometimes a Bud Light is the only thing that's on tap. Now buy your tables' next round

And if you're off the charts, especially if you're a politician, then clue us all in because those are the only options being reported.