Thursday, February 19, 2009

Parking Desperation: Adventures in NYC Automobile Ownership

Name: Nathan H Ehrlich
Address: 177 Degraw St Apt #2
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Your hearing request was for the following item(s):

Agency Item
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PVO 1259937290

Your statement why the ticket should be dismissed:
The Hydrant was covered in sidewalk trash bags and furniture and was not visible to me. Therefore every ticket I received at this spot I feel should be voided. Also note that my car was towed after several tickets were accrued.

Name: Nathan H Ehrlich
Address: 177 Degraw St Apt. #2
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Your hearing request was for the following item(s):

Agency Item
------------------------------ -----------------------------------
PVO 1269398088

Your statement why the ticket should be dismissed:
I was parked legally. The officer was not justified in giving me a ticket. It was Sunday and I was parked next to a meter. I do not have proof because I did not see the ticket on my windshield until I had left the area. Even if I had I do not own a digital camera. But I was not parked illegally. The legal system is innocent until proven guilty. If you have proof that I was in this spot illegally than I would be more than glad to take a look at it. But until then I maintain that I was parked in a legal spot.
Name: Nathan H Ehrlich
Address: 177 Degraw St Apt. #2
Brooklyn, NY 11231

Your hearing request was for the following item(s):

Agency Item
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PVO 7620016030

Your statement why the ticket should be dismissed:
The law as I understand it is that one's vehicle must be six feet from a fire hydrant. Well I as in total abidance of this law and yet I still not only received a ticket but also a towing. The city got plenty of money from me off my towing as it took me a few days to realize that I had been towed. You can look this up in the records at the Brooklyn Navy Yard - my bill was over 220 bucks. I ask and beg of you not to take more money from me in this trying economic time. I was within my rights to park where I had parked. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Name: Nathan H Ehrlich
Address: 177 Degraw St Apt. #2
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Your hearing request was for the following item(s):

Agency Item
------------------------------ -----------------------------------
PVO 1264141063

Your statement why the ticket should be dismissed:
I realize I have a couple of ticket defenses in already. Generally speaking I think 99.9% of the tickets handed out in NYC are done so correctly according to the laws and regulations. However, I believe it's just been one of those unlucky years for me when parking officers have made an incorrect call on the legality of my parked vehicle. In regard to this ticket in particular I do not recall the incident nor the ticket itself and believe that inclement weather may have stripped the ticket from my car. In addition I received no notice in the mail. I am happy to pay the fee but I ask that you remove the amount of 75$ which clearly has gone up due to some late fee and reduce the sum to the normal 45$ as I was unaware that I had obtained such a ticket.

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