Friday, February 20, 2009

NYC Department of Finance Responds

Dear Sir / Madam:

We have received your web request for a hearing on your parking summons. A hold will be placed on this violation, so no penalty will accrue pending this action.

Based on the violation, we are offering you the opportunity to pay a reduced fine in the amount of $32.00. You have 5 days to accept this offer. Once you accept this offer you must pay within 30 days to the address listed below.

If you do not wish to accept this reduced offer and you would like an Administrative Law Judge to review your case, simply do nothing. Your case will be reviewed in the next 30 days. If you are found guilty, you will no longer be eligible for the reduced amount and must pay the full fine as well as any penalties.

1 comment:

Dan Forman said...

Looks like the city is playing hardball... they have no idea who they are playing with